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Age of Empires 2



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Estratégias feita por brasileiros
  • Mande sua estratégia, seja qual for, não importa se é esquisita, diferente, o que vale é a diversidade das estratégias que irão proporcionar ao ager que visitar nossa página.
  • Estratégias de AoE/AoEROR: (nenhuma)
  • Estratégias de AoK:

- Estratégia do [AcX] CrAzY_GoD

Bom.. como MUITA gente no zone joga "no teutons', to jogando de mongols agora.

Faço vários batedores e, assim que viro castle, dou o upgrade pra light cavalry, e ataco os peoes do adversário.

É apenas para atrasar o desenvolvimento dele. As light Cavalry dos mongols tem +30% de HP, o que dá uma resistência boa contra eventuais contra-ataques de knight. Como geralmente chega na cidade inimiga com 5-7 desses, dá pra matar os knight que vem um a um.

A UU tb é muito boa, com bonus contra siege, é a maneira mais eficaz de rechaçar aqueles ataques de trebuchets protegidos por milhares de pikeman.

- Estratégia do [KCT] Leonardo²

Bom kra eu procuro fazer +- 30 aldeoes antes de ir feudal, as vezes 29 e mais um enquanto estou contruindo as duas contruçoes necessarias pra ir castle. Mas tudo isso depende do mapa e de como estao meus recursos, quando chego feudal começo a me murar, as vezes dependendo do cenario eu muro bem antes, eu nao pego pedras antes de ir castle soh depois.
Tenho chegado castle sempre em torno de 17-19 minutos dae começo a produzir exercito de cavalos e arqueiros e vou pra guerra.

Ontem consegui fazer um castle, num game pelo icq, em menos de 18 minutos com 30 aldeoes sem fazer se quer uma fazenda e nenhum cais antes da castle, foi rlzzzz. Pena q dificilmente eu vah conseguir repetir isso com mais frequencia.

O meu grande erro, na minha opiniao, eh depois q chego castle fico preocupado em atacar o kra e descuido dos meus recursos, geralmente tem me faltado food. Acabo bobiando nas fazendas.

Estratégias feita por estrangeiros (em inglês)
  • Estratégias de AoE/AoEROR: (retirado do aoe2.com)

- Scythe Chariot Slice

    There is one distinct advantage to the Scythe Chariot, beyond it's obious military strengths as an Iron Age Superunit. The additional bonus against priests, and the speed they can roll at will make them perfect for a certain crucial job.

    When attacking an enemy camp, the villagers are primary targets for the raid. If enough enemy workers can be destroyed, the enemy's economy will collapse. Scythe Chariots are like War Elephants and their Armored cousins, they cause area damage to all nearby enemy units. Unleashed in the middle of a group of villagers, it will be like an explosion went off in their midst. Since the Scythe Chariot can fly when compared to Elephants, any breach in the enemy wall should be exploited by some of these Chariots.

    A small group of Scythes running amok inside the enemy town will require your opponent's attention to deal with. While they are diverted trying to contain the chariots, other opportunities will surely present themselves. This tactic will work well in conjunction with many other possible angles. Since these units are not overly expensive, a small army of this expendable fighter on a suicide mission will always pay off in the end.

    While raising hell inside the enemy towns, another big opportunity can present itself. Players who love to wo-lo-lo their Priest's lungs out will tremble at the sight of Scythe Chariots loose behind the lines. A double attack bonus against Priests means that even a single chariot near a group of Priests could cost the enemy a small fortune in wasted gold.

    The flip side of the Scythes vs Priests issue is the Egyptians, a notorious choice with players who use Priests offensively, who are also a strong race with a HP bonus for all Chariots . Still, in the end, Scythes clearly should attack every priest and villager they can find, to maximize the effectiveness of the Scythe Chariot Slice into the enemy town. It could be a very fair trade, and a tactical success, even if all the chariots are ultimately destroyed. Your follow up waves of attacks will find an increasingly softer target if the enemy's economy is properly hamstrung with this tactic.

  • Estratégias de AoK: (retirado do aoe2.com)

- AoE2 Knights Rush
   We can base part of the Knights Rush on the historical figure believed to have been behind the King Arthur legend. There are some very pertinent lessons which do not require the romantic stories at all. We can understand the benefit of a large mobile force of mounted and armored knights from the story, without getting involved in the myth itself.

   Such a group of Knights could launch from a central base and quickly attack in any direction, wherever the shores of England might be threatened. In AOE2, the same group of horsemen could defend shores, or walls, or run the scouting patrols. Rushing out to sweep the walls clear of any attackers, they could provide an extended range of defensive perimeter around the heart of the kingdom.

   Working in formations will allow a rush of armored cavalry to have the same devastating impact they really had in historical battles. In a line side by side, a rush of cavalry could run right through loosely grouped enemy units, inflicting great damage while taking few casualties due to the difficulty of hitting moving targets. In melees where the cavalry were not rushing around, being mounted on horseback provided the advantage of height against foot soldiers.

   Additional waves of mounted Knights will have greater effect after the disruption caused by the previous charges. For more closely packed enemy groups, Knights grouped together in squares rather than lines can hammer the tightest enemy formations, stopping in the middle and working their outward. Even in close quarter engagements the Knight would have to be dismounted to even the fighting ground when battling hand to hand. The horse would have to be killed first, and the Knight might suffer injury when dismounted, but they still had the advantage of the armor to buy some time to recover from the fall.

   A traditional defensive formation against the threat of a Knights Rush was the use of lances. Foot soldiers could carry extremely long spears, and when standing in tight formations, with defensive soldiers shielding the rest, there was a forest of spears which could be lowered to face an oncoming charge of heavy cavalry. The mounted Knights charge could be broken on hitting that wall of spears. The lances could kill the horses some distance from the formation, and spear the knights right off their mounts, using their own momentum against them.

- English Longbowman Rush

Though we have few details of the Longbowman unit in the game, the historical English Longbowman was a valuable offensive military unit for a very long time. Kingdoms were won and lost on the strength of their fighting armies, and these skilled bowman were highly praised for many reasons.

    Famous for their accuracy, they were trained for years in the art of war, and they would hunt game and stage contests to better themselves constantly. The deadly force provided by their advanced bow making skills armed them with a bow that could hurl a bolt or arrow hard enough to pierce all types of armor at close range, and deliver that arrow farther than any other bow. Also they honed their rate of fire to a machine gun pace. As trained proffesionals, they could hire themselves out for a healthy price to the highest bidder.

    In Age of Empires 1, the Assyrians and Minoans provided the best advantage in what is commonly known as the Archer Rush. The Strategy is to put your Archers inside the enemy encampment and kill villagers and enemy units by massing combined fire power from groups of Archers. If the enemy is not prepared for this, your attacking Archers could get the chance to take apart the enemy economy before they can get on their feet.

    Building offensive training facilites, Archery Ranges near the enemy town, can quickly supply reinforcements for the Rush. This forward military base can be reinforced with Towers and some Priests who can use this base as a military hospital, healing the wounded units from the front lines. Even if the Archer Rush is destroyed, the damage done can be sufficient to slow the enemy down and gain you the lead. With that advantage, a determined player can outpace the enemy into the next ages. While the enemy is still recuperating you can launch a follow up attack with the improved units available in the later ages, and hammer the enemy into submission.

    With Age of Empires 2, the English Longbowmen will have the best chance of applying the early Archer Rush succesfully. The principle will be the same, a fairly experienced player who grows quickly from the start can neglect other avenues of economic management and focus on putting Archers in the enemy camp quickly. The larger map size in AOE2 will make the need for early scouting of the terrain crucial, finding the enemy will still be the first goal. Building only Archers for the military and Villagers for the economy, the emphasis is on food to pay for these units and to advance steadily though the early Ages.

    The workforce for a healthy economy is still needed, and the use of formations of Archers to attack enemy targets should mean the Rush can be more effective than in AoE1. Rookie players should work on the essentials of fast growth and micro management in battle before trying this strategy. Making the attempt to rush could leave a player lacking in crucial areas when the enemy attacks first, or if they repel your attack and retaliate before defenses are in place.

- Monks Rush

Effectively using Monks can ensure the lead in the race through the Ages, turn around a battle that started with you being outnumbered, and add to your military strength while reducing that of the enemy.   Improper usage of these Monks however can not only cost needed resources, if the benefits gained from Monks are neglected entirely, it can ultimately cost you the game. All players, regardless of Race, should use some Monks in their games, applying them to the defensive tasks at the very least. Technologies will likely be available in the Church to upgrade the Monks' speed of healing, Hit Points, range, odds of converting etc.   As always you should get only the technologies that will help your cause.   They can be expensive and you should intend to take advantage of them while executing your game plan.


    By this function, some of the force expended in warfare can be recovered at no cost whatsoever.   Ordering wounded and nearly dead military units to the rear vanguard, where they can be healed by Monks and sent back to the front lines, is the kind of common sense that all game plans must include. In AOE1 The only military units that cannot be healed back to full strength are ships, it takes Villagers to repair them, and it may be the same way in AOE2. 

    The only cost in healing a wounded unit is time, the Monks will gradually replenish the Hit Points of the unit.  Two Monks healing the same unit will finish faster, and if the Monks are also hurt they can heal each other.  Try to keep a rear guard position where wounded units can be loosely grouped in one area.   Hopefully, as in AOE1, when the Monk is done healing one unit, it will move on to any others nearby that also need healing.  Two Monks working hard at healing in the rear-most ranks can replenish an entire attack force one by one, so long as that group is kept close enough together for the Monks to always find another candidate.


    Monks are going to be expensive, rest assured. They may still cost nothing but Gold, therefore losing them in battle can cost you greatly.  If using them in the forward ranks of an offensive group, they must be heavily defended and strategically used. Monks can not actually attack an enemy unit, they can only convert the unit to your side, adding it to your ranks while removing it from enemy control.  The Monk begins to chant at the enemy unit being targeted, trying to lull them into a trance and convert the unit to back your cause. Usually the unit will automatically attack the Monk that is threatening it. 

   The effectiveness of the conversion attempt is like a series of dice rolls, it can happen quickly or take longer depending on how the dice fall.  After converting an enemy unit, the Monk must recharge before being able to do so again, but they can be put to work Healing in the meantime.  Opposing players can hear that chanting, and will know there is a weak little Monk somewhere which if left alone to do his song of conversion will take out their whole army one by one.  Retaliation is usually fairly swift.

    The offensive Monk can be used to take advantage of several misnomers.  Having to recharge after each conversion reduces the effectiveness of any attack geared only on turning the enemy to your side.  Most players will react very strongly when they hear that Woh-lo-lo chanting begin, and this can be used to lead them by the nose.  One small group of military harboring a few Monks with eager vocal cords can get the entire enemy army to chase after them.  Though it will surely cost you some units to stage a convincing diversion, it is an opportunity to lead them into ambush or to attack from the other side and catch the enemy town poorly defended.

    Monks can obviously wreak havoc when converting enemy units in the middle of the enemy forces, but naturally those units are surrounded and can be quickly taken down.  Do not convert units that will only die soon after,  instead pick your conversions carefully, and use multiple Monks to convert strategic targets.  These would include enemy artillery, strong but slow units like elephants or foot soldiers and other Monks.  Still there should be some thought to how you go about it.  Instead of taking out the siege weapon, convert the stronger unit nearby, and attack the seige weapon with the converted unit.  It will be more likely to survive and continue the fight.  With enemy seige weapons that are close together with other units, converting just one unit in the middle of the group can draw the fire of the enemy's heavy weapons into their own ranks and cause substantial collateral damage. This kind of strategic offensive conversion can cost the enemy greatly, and you not at all.

    With the Monotheism Upgrade available in the Iron Age of AOE1, Priests could convert enemy buildings and towers. The Priest could walk right up to the enemy building to convert it over to your side, followed by a necessary recharge delay.

    In Age Of Empires 2 Monks will not be able to convert the enemy buildings. Those places will have to be attacked and occupied by your forces, who can garrison themselves inside. Monks also will be able to join them inside, where perhaps they could hold the place as a triage center, treating the wounded sent from the front line to wait around this front lines hosptial while the medieval doctors move among them.

    The only buildings worth converting in AOE1 were military in nature. The strategy will not be affected by the change in the Monks role regarding structures. Owning training facilities in or near the enemy town is always a strategic advantage, and taking it away from the enemy is an added bonus.  These buildings, once occupied, should crank out the reinforcements continuously, for they will emerge right in the middle of your offensive forces.

    Monks will not be able to convert those pesky enemy towers anymore. Occupying them will be more difficult now, adding to the effectiveness of these defensive positions. Strategically they are just as valuable as they were in AOE1. If the current attack does not look like it will wipe out the enemy, leaving Offensive Towers behind to occupy the enemy and lessen their speed of reinforcements is always a good Idea. Having some Villagers with your offensive forces will also give you the opportunity to build some Offensive Towers of your own, reinforcing your attack and helping to hold any buildings you have occupied.







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